Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Reactions Homework

Hi All,

Hope you are enjoying your break. Remember that for Monday, January 5th, you have some homework to do (assigned way back in early December). You all hypothesized about two reactions:
1. Mentos and Diet Coke
2. Baking soda and vinegar

You should have the scientific method outlined through the results (data) step from our in-class observations.

For each reaction, you need to write up a good conclusion
do a little research to determine if each was a chemical reaction or not.
In other words, was what happened chemical or simply a physical phenomenon. Explain why you say what you say, and cite at least one source that helped you to figure this out.

Happy New Year!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Getting Up To Date

Hey All,

Wanted to detail where we should be:

For today, 11/25, you should have completed the MythBusters scientific method outlines for the eye patch, rum as a cleaner, and cannonball through the ship myths.

Also for today, 11/25, you should have completed the Rocks reading and all of those questions (see previous blog entry).

For Monday, 12/1, please read the "Nuclear Chemistry" packet, highlight it, and be ready for further discussion.

Have a great Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Rock Reminder

Hey All,

If you did not complete the rock reading and questions (see below on this blog), please complete it for Monday. Have great weekend!

Directions for MythBusting

For each myth being tested, please set up a new page IN YOUR SCIENCE NOTEBOOK to detail the steps of the scientific method:

* The Question (the myth):

* Hypothesis:

* Experiment Methodology (how did they do it?):

* Explanation of what happened in the Experiment (what happened when they did it?):

* The Data (the information gathered):

* The Conclusion (Was the myth busted or not? Was it a valid experiment? What future research, questions, or experiments stem from this experiment?):

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Hey All,

Thursday is Mythbusters Day, but Wednesday Rocks........

You have a handout about the rock cycle and types of rocks. Now pay attention. This assignment is about to look like one of Sheila's Math Assignment's......

Please answer the following questions by Monday, November 24th.

Page 909 - Fig 27-2 - How are rocks different from minerals?

Page 910 - Reading Check - What is the law of conservation of matter?
Fig 27-3 - What processes cause the uneven surfaces of these majestic mountains?

Page 911 - Section Assessment #1-4

Page 916 - Fig 27-6 - Did the lava that formed these rocks cool quickly or slowly? EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWER.
Reading Check - What controls the grain size of an igneous rock?

Page 918 - Section Assessment #1-4 and Using Math

Page 919 - Fig 27-9 - What other conditions can cause metamorphic rocks to form?

Page 921 - Fig 27-11 - Explain why slate is used for patio and stepping stones and roofing shingles?

Page 922 - Section Assessment - #1-3

Page 923 - Fig 27-13 - How can these rock layers be used to sequence events in time, provided that the layers are not disturbed?

Page 927 - Reading Check - How do chemical sedimentary rocks form?

Page 928 - Problem Solving Think Critically (at the bottom)

Page 929 - Fig 27-17 - What types of organisms died and were buried to form this coal?
Using Math - ALL OF IT

Page 930 - Section Assessment - #1-3 AND Using Math

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Hi All,

Please email me your 3 science goals for the rest of the semester (through the end of January) by tomorrow (Friday, 11/14). These should be science content related - not behaviors. These should include what we have already been studying, as well as chemical composition and characteristics of minerals.

DON'T FORGET: Quiz on the chemical reactions sheet on Monday, 11/17.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Current Work

Hi All,

Great job preparing for your conferences last week. Wanted to remind you of where we stand as we move forward.....

Make sure that your Relevant Elements worksheet is completed (due yesterday).

For Wednesday, November 12th, read the reactions handout (both sides), and make marginal notes and/or highlight the important points. We will discuss this on Wednesday.

As we move forward, we will be looking more closely at chemical reactions. We will also be examining minerals, their chemistry, and their various characteristics.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Homework and Test

Hey All,

Sorry that I missed class yesterday. Hope you enjoyed others' presentations and the wacky British Chem Professors from Nottingham.

Don't forget that we have a test next Wednesday (10/29). Use the test review handout as a your study guide. We will have a thorough review in class next Monday.

Also, any missing homework needs to be handed in by next Thursday (10/30).

Friday, October 17, 2008

Loose Ends

Hey All,

What great inquisitiveness y'all show in class each day - thank you!

Want to make sure that we are on top of the work that is due or coming due soon:

For 10/16, you should have finished your alkali metal/halogen compound write ups (identifying one and describing its uses).

For Monday, 10/20, research and write an understandable paragraph on your chemistry term. If you do not remember yours, please email me.

Have a great weekend!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Periodic Table, Rocks & Minerals

Hey All,

Sorry I am sick. Wanted to update you on the work to be complete by Wednesday, October 8:

1. Following up on last Thursday's class on compounds, Noble Gases, Halogens, and Alkali Metals, do the following:
Come up with a compound of one alkali metal (group 1) and a halogen (group 17). Then research its use.

2. In response to today's film, please EMAIL ME ONE PARAGRAPH FOR EACH OF THE FOLLOWING PROMPTS:
A. Please DESCRIBE rocks and minerals
B. How does the info in the film relate to our studies in chemistry?

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Fix and/or Complete Solubility Work

If your teacher assessment indicated the need, please fix/complete your solubility homework for Wednesday, 10/1.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Elemental Bingo Champions

I am proud to announce that Robert and Oswaldo were the victors in the hard-fought Elemental Bingo competitions in Thursday's classes. We will dig deeper into atomic structure and understanding the periodic table this coming week. Have a great weekend!

Measurement Worksheets Revisions and Completion

Hi All,

If you did not finish your revisions, or have not yet completed some part of your measurement worksheets, please do so for Monday, 9/29.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

What is Matter?

For Thursday, 9/25:

Complete the "What is Matter?" worksheet.

Solubility Checklist

Please complete the following self-assessment checklist for the Solubility Experiment. It is due Thursday, 9/25:

____ Solute


____ VERY DETAILED process

____ DETAILED comparison of your results to others'

____ At least 3 possible factors that may have led to errors

____ At least 2 questions for further consideration

____ Overall strong detail and description

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Solubility Experiment

1. Measure 35 milliliters (ml) of cold tap water (SOLVENT), and pour it into into a 250ml beaker.
2. What quantity (in grams) of sugar or salt (SOLUTE) can be dissolved in the water before reaching saturation? Give results to the nearest gram.

THE HOMEWORK due Wednesday, 9/24
1. What solute were you dissolving into water?
2. At what point did you reach saturation?
3. What process did you use in this experiment? GIVE GOOD DETAILS!
4. What is your impression of how your results compare to other teams'?
5. What factors may have caused errors in your results?
6. What questions for further inquiry do you take away from this experiment?

Friday, September 5, 2008

Welcome to 8th Grade Science!

Hi All,
Great meeting with you yesterday! For Monday, please answer the following prompt with a good thoughtful paragraph in your science notebooks:

How do you use chemistry in your day-to-day life?

Have a great weekend!