Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Hey All,

Thursday is Mythbusters Day, but Wednesday Rocks........

You have a handout about the rock cycle and types of rocks. Now pay attention. This assignment is about to look like one of Sheila's Math Assignment's......

Please answer the following questions by Monday, November 24th.

Page 909 - Fig 27-2 - How are rocks different from minerals?

Page 910 - Reading Check - What is the law of conservation of matter?
Fig 27-3 - What processes cause the uneven surfaces of these majestic mountains?

Page 911 - Section Assessment #1-4

Page 916 - Fig 27-6 - Did the lava that formed these rocks cool quickly or slowly? EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWER.
Reading Check - What controls the grain size of an igneous rock?

Page 918 - Section Assessment #1-4 and Using Math

Page 919 - Fig 27-9 - What other conditions can cause metamorphic rocks to form?

Page 921 - Fig 27-11 - Explain why slate is used for patio and stepping stones and roofing shingles?

Page 922 - Section Assessment - #1-3

Page 923 - Fig 27-13 - How can these rock layers be used to sequence events in time, provided that the layers are not disturbed?

Page 927 - Reading Check - How do chemical sedimentary rocks form?

Page 928 - Problem Solving Think Critically (at the bottom)

Page 929 - Fig 27-17 - What types of organisms died and were buried to form this coal?
Using Math - ALL OF IT

Page 930 - Section Assessment - #1-3 AND Using Math

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