Wednesday, March 25, 2009

More clarity on renewable energy projects

Hi All,

It is hard to give an outline of expectations for all of you, since the projects are so diverse, but here goes....

Section 1: Research Renewable energy resources vs. Non-renewable energy resources
a. Define what renewables and non-renewables are
b. Give 2 examples of renewable energy resources and 2 examples of non-renewables energy resources
1. Explain how each of the four examples works.
2. Explain the pro's and con's of each of the four resources

Section 2: Research YOUR renewable resource
a. Explain what it is.
b. Explain how it works
c. Explain its real world uses
d. Other appropriate details based on your specific topic

Section 3 (APPLIES TO MOST STUDENTS): Description of your project.
This can include description of how it was designed, created, results, etc. This may also simply be a powerpoint, poster, display, field trip, guest speaker, etc. In these last examples, there would be less writing, and more demonstration of understanding in thee latter examples.

Section 4: SOURCES!

Check in if these details are not clear. THE PROJECT IS DUE APRIL 2ND (NEXT WEEK!)